Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Orientation

    2. Course Layout

    3. First Check in

    1. 1. Be Your Own Hero

    2. 2. Sleep

    3. 3. Raise Your Vitality

    4. 4. Meditate daily

    5. 5. Acceptance is ALWAYS this first step

    6. 5. There is a reason for EVERYTHING!

    7. 6. TAKE ACTION!

    8. 7. Lead by Example

    9. 8. Create. Don't Compete.

    10. 9. Build Your Team

    11. 10. The Power of Questions

    12. 11. Find Your WHY

    13. 12. Have A Purpose And Dream BIG

    14. 14. Have FUN!

    1. Recap Module 1

    2. Module 1 Check In

    1. 15. The Power of Brain Dump

    2. 16. KISS Your Customers (And Yourself)...

    3. 17. Balance (And The Double FC Model)

    4. 18. Partnership

    5. Be present in the moment

    6. The Power of Affirmations

    7. The Power of Momentum

    8. Get rid of time consuming apps

    9. Redefine work

    10. NET activities

    11. Master the golden three frames

    12. No EGO

    13. How to make sure your good luck will continue to shine?

    14. Gift yourself with silent treatment

    15. Focus on and improve your strength, not your weaknesses

    16. Check emails twice per day - Never first thing

    17. Master the science of the marketplace

    18. Learn to celebrate

    19. Does it make sense to go hunt hungry?

    20. Find your broom

    21. Be consistent

    22. Be flexible and open to change

    23. Are you going in the wrong direction or just solving a problem?

    24. Symptoms of going in the wrong direction

    25. Symptoms of going in the right direction or being in "the zone"

    26. A matter of perspective

    27. Master the art of juggling

    28. Repetition

    29. Find your source of inspiration

    30. Are you in the right room?

    31. No one will value you more than you value yourself

    32. Free calls are poor lead magnets

    33. Stay Curious And Never Stop Asking Questions

    34. Listen through questions

    35. Know when to take a break

    36. Always listen to your Gut

    1. Inspiration: Kobe Bryant

    2. Module 2 - Part 1 - Check In

    1. Perfection is the lowest standard

    2. Progress over Perfection

    3. Set SMARF Goals

    4. Cut your goals by half

    5. Are you a victim of analysis paralysis?

    6. Collect Gems First

    7. No task is too small

    8. There is no such thing a failure

    9. Action and Inaction Are Equally Important

    10. The art of Batching

    11. Delegation - A brilliant way to get more done

    12. Content Repurposing

About this course

  • €89,00
  • 117 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Meet Your Instructor

Yasaf Burshan

Founder, Anywhere Boss

Yasaf Burshan is the founder and CEO of Team Genius, a company dedicated to helping creators launch and scale their online coaching businesses. Recognized as the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 by CEO Review Magazine and featured among the 10 most inspiring CEOs making a difference for 2021 by CIO Views magazine and the 10 most creative CEOs in 2021 by InspireZones magazine, Yasaf is a respected thought leader in the coaching and business world. Yasaf's journey to becoming an Anywhere Boss is the inspiration for his work today. In 2019, he quit his job and planned to travel the world with his wife, but the pandemic threw a wrench in his plans. Despite facing challenges, he persevered and built a successful remote coaching business that allowed him to travel with his family while generating high income. Yasaf's mission is to inspire and empower creators to make an impact in their own lives and the lives of others. He founded Team Genius and Genius Zone Academy to help others find their personal zone of genius and effortlessly receive all the treasures that await them. With Yasaf's expertise and mentorship, anyone can become an Anywhere Boss and create the lifestyle they're truly excited about.


  • What are the requirements to enroll to this course?

    All you need is an Internet connection which you already have as you are now reading this page and a strong will to succeed.

  • I have very little business knowledge, or none at all. Can I still take this course?

    Absolutely! No previous business education or knowledge is required.

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    Your purchase of this course is protected by 7 days refund policy. If you bought the course and didn't like for any reason, we will refund your purchase.

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    All-access pass is a site-wide subscription that grant you access to all our courses and programs (current and future) at no additional cost. All-access pass subscription come with 7 days free trial so it is completely risk free for you to try it out. You can cancel your All-access pass subscriptions any time and your billing will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.